2025 Epic Invitational

Mt. Brighton Ski hill | SUNDAy , February 8, 2025

RACER AGE GROUPS: Male and Female 7 and under, U10, U12, U14, U16 and U19. Age group determined by age as of 12/31/2024.
We will start with the youngest girls, followed by the boys in that age group. Example: 1st Run, U8 Girls followed by U8 Boys, then U10 Girls followed by U10 Boys, etc.
Racers will take two runs in each discipline- SL and GS- your fastest time counts! U14 and younger will compete on Grand River; U16 and U19 will compete on Golden Eagle. U16 and U19 will also compete in a SUPER G event!
AWARDS: The top 8 in each age and gender category for SL, the top 8 in each age and gender category for GS, and the top 3 in each age and gender category for Super G will will go home with new hardware! 1st-3rd receive trophies (medals for Super G), and 4th-8th place will get awesome custom medals! Over $3,000 worth of trophies and medals will be handed out!!!
Others may purchase lunch for $10 (prepay during registration or cash only day of event). We will be serving choice of pulled pork sandwich or all beef hot dog, with smoked mac and cheese, baked goods and fruit galore at approximately 11:30am! Hot Cocoa, water, pop, and adult beverages (cash bar; credit card only) will also be available in our HUGE 60X40 foot Warming Tent!
LIFT TICKETS: Discounted lift tickets for racers, siblings and parents must be purchased with your racer’s registration; cost is $38. Family lunch or lift tickets can be picked up at registration in the picnic table area.
Register with your athlete’s team provided bib number. Bibs will not be provided by XLR8.
EXCEPTION TO THE BIB RULE! 7 and under (have a younger sibling not yet in the program that wants to race? SIGN THEM UP!), U16, and U19 Racers who do not have a JDT Bib Number, please register under bib number “000” and a bib will be assigned to you at the race. Bibs can be picked up during registration in the picnic table area and need to be returned at the end of their last run.
NASTAR FORMAT will be used to ensure our race does not affect High School Racer Eligibility.
Registration will close Thurs February 6th @ 5:00pm.
NOTE: No late or onsite registrations will be allowed.
8:00am-9:00am: Registration in the picnic table area
9:30am-10am: Inspection
10:15am: Forerunners
10:30am: Slalom race begins
11:30am-ish: Lunch
Giant Slalom to follow lunch

HEAD ON OVER TO https://www.skireg.com/xlr8-epic-invitationalAND REGISTER NOW! 

Please let me know if you have any questions!

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